Annual and transition report of foreign private issuers pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)

Financial risk management (Tables)

Financial risk management (Tables)
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2023
Disclosure of nature and extent of risks arising from financial instruments [abstract]  
Summary Of Nature And Extent Of Risks Arising From Financial Instruments
This note explains the Group’s exposure to financial risks and how these risks could affect the Group’s future financial performance.
Risk Exposure arising from Measurement Management
Market risk – interest rate risk Long-term borrowings at variable rates Sensitivity analysis Economic hedge with an interest rate cap
Market risk – investments price risk Investments in equity securities Sensitivity analysis Monitoring quarterly valuation updates and forecasts of future cash flows
Market risk – commodities price risk Derivative liabilities Maturity profile and coverage Increase supply of renewable electricity via fixed price PPAs
Credit risk Cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables, derivative financial instruments and contract assets Aging analysis Doing business with creditworthy companies and a strict policy of cash collection.
Liquidity risk Borrowings and other liabilities Cash flow forecasts Availability of borrowing facilities.
The table below summarizes the contractual electricity supply profile (P50) from all PPAs at Allego as at December 31, 2023, resulting in an average expected annual coverage of 25% of the total Group electricity supply till the end of 2035:
Contractual electricity production
(in GWh) Total Less
than 12
than 5
The Netherlands 2,419 142 1,000 1,277
Germany 880 5 361 514
Average expected coverage
25% 77% 56% 17%
Summary Of Sensitivity Analysis Of Fair Value Measurement To Changes In Unobservable Inputs, Liabilities The impact on the loss for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 as a result of a change in interest rates is as follows:
(in €‘000) Impact on pre-tax loss
2023 2022
Interest rates – increase by 10 basis points*
309  586 
Interest rates – decrease by 10 basis points*
(346) (629)
*Keeping all other variables constant.
Summary Of Unobservable Input Parameters Used In The Valuation Model
The table below summarizes the impact of increases/decreases of the price of equity securities acquired in 2022 on the group’s equity through OCI reserve for the period. The analysis is based on the assumption that the fair value of the equity securities held by the group has increased or decreased by 40%, with all other variables held constant.
(in €‘000) Impact on Group's equity
2023 2022
Fair Value – increase by 4,000 basis points
6,623  12,556 
Fair Value – decrease by 4,000 basis points
(6,623) (12,556)
Summary Of Provision Matrix
On that basis, the loss allowance as at December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022 was determined as follows for trade receivables and contract assets:
(in €‘000) Current 1 – 30
 days past
31 –60
 days past
61 –90
 days past
91+ days
 past due
As at December 31, 2022
Expected loss rate (in %) 0.00  % 0.00  % 0.00  % 0.00  % 0.00  %
Gross carrying amount – trade receivables 31,404  5,337  3,189  292  2,448  42,670 
Gross carrying amount – contract assets 1,512  —  —  —  —  1,512 
Loss allowance —  —  —  —  —  — 
As at December 31, 2023
Expected loss rate (in %) 0.00  % 0.00  % 0.00  % 0.00  % 0.00  %
Gross carrying amount – trade receivables 32,931  7,459  897  (5,280) 11,221  47,228 
Gross carrying amount – contract assets —  —  —  —  —  — 
Loss allowance —  —  —  —  —  — 
Disclosure Of Additional Information About Understanding Financial Position And Liquidity Of Entity
The Group had access to the following undrawn borrowing facilities for each reporting period presented:
(in €‘000) December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022
Expiring beyond one year—renewed facility 8,390  120,790 
Summary Of Maturity Analysis For Non-derivative Financial Liabilities
The amounts disclosed in the table are the contractual undiscounted cash flows (including interest payments). Balances due within 12 months equal their carrying balances as the impact of discounting is not significant.
Contractual cash flows
(in €‘000) Carrying
amount of
Total Less
than 6
2–5 years More
than 5
As at December 31, 2022
Borrowings 269,033  501,004  9,441  13,925  27,802  449,836  — 
Lease liabilities 51,324  71,097  4,546  4,828  8,891  18,916  33,916 
Trade and other payables 51,263  51,263  51,263  —  —  —  — 
Warrant liabilities 1,296  1,296  1,296  —  —  —  — 
Total 372,916  624,660  66,546  18,753  36,693  468,752  33,916 
As at December 31, 2023
Borrowings 350,722  479,082  27,198  13,039  22,529  416,316  — 
Lease liabilities 83,490  127,101  6,121  6,458  12,841  26,234  75,447 
Trade and other payables 74,213  74,213  74,213  —  —  —  — 
Warrant liabilities —  —  —  —  —  —  — 
Derivative liabilities 7,442  100,214  1,378  1,410  9,949  28,904  58,573 
Total 515,867  780,610  108,910  20,907  45,319  471,454  134,020