Exhibit (c)(1)



Exhibit (c)(1) Summary Valuation and Analysis at Various Prices Project Picasso March 2024 CONFIDENTIAL


Summary Overview of Valuation References As of Jan-2024 Current 52W high 52 Low: $0.57 0.84 3.34 Current: $0.84 0.5—1.2 0.2—0.9 (32%)—300% 52 High: $3.34 3M VWAP 6M VWAP 12M VWAP 0.9 1.3 1.9 Cowen: $4.0 4.0 (14-Nov-23) 1.4 1.1 379% Davidson: $4.0 (22-Mar-24) 4.0 Relevance of Fastned limited by EvGo (2.9x), very low liquidity of the stock CPO Peers: Fastned 1.4 0.7—1.1 0.4—0.8 70%—264% (4.7x), Chargepoint (1.2x) included given AV/Rev 24E of 1.2x and 0.8x AV/Rev. 3.0 resp. imply negative EqV and SP 24E SoTP: Charging revenue valued based on EVGo and Fastned and CP Peers Service Peer 0.7 0.4 85% Services on Chargepoint 1.5 Shell Acquisition of Volta Shell / Volta 0.8 0.5 107% AV/NTM Revenue of 3.2x 1.7 DDM, assuming no equity injection CoE: 18.0%—20.0% 1.4 1.9 0.7—0.8 0.4—0.5 71%—125% Exit multiple in 2035: 8.0-9.0x DCF, assuming no equity injection WACC: 15.5%—16.5% 1.2 1.7 0.7—0.8 0.3—0.5 50%—103% Exit multiple in 2035: 8.0-9.0x PROJECT PICASSO Market data as of 22-Mar market closing CONFIDENTIAL 2


Analysis at Various Prices USD-EUR NOSH (MM) Bridge Spot Free Float(1) FF + Apollo(1) FF + E8 (1) FF + Apollo + E8 (1) 0.9 1.3 1.9 2.6 3.3 0.8 271 293 MM 0.8 13.4 MM 32.1 MM 40.8 MM 59.5 MM DCF 6M DDM VWAP 3M High Shell / Volta LTM VWAP 2.0 491 784 140% 122% 58% 5% (22%) (40%) 24 58 74 108 2.1 516 809 151% 133% 66% 10% (18%) (37%) 25 61 78 113 2.2 541 834 163% 145% 74% 15% (14%) (34%) 27 64 81 119 2.3 565 858 175% 156% 82% 20% (10%) (31%) 28 67 85 124 2.4 590 883 187% 167% 90% 26% (6%) (28%) 29 70 89 129 2.5 614 907 199% 178% 98% 31% (2%) (25%) 30 73 92 135 Source: Notes: Capital IQ as of March 22, 2024 1. Free float shares: 13.4MM; Apollo shares: 18.7MM; E8 shares: 41.1MM PROJECT PICASSO CONFIDENTIAL 3


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